About Labradoodles

Labradoodles Puppies For Sale Caledonia IL

Our Australian Labradoodles are direct descendants from the original breed founders; Tegan Park and Rutland Manor.

What is an Australian Labradoodle? Would you be surprised to hear, that what most people know as the Labradoodle is actually the Australian Labradoodle? In fact, the Australian Labradoodle doesn’t even have any Australian in them! Their name simply comes from where he originated.

Our Puppies

Australian Labradoodles Puppy Caledonia IL

As a breeder, our Australian Labradoodles have the desired traits that we are looking for in our American Labradoodle. They have fleece wool coats that are allergy friendly. By combining the loveable personality of a Lab with the intelligence of a Poodle, Australian Labradoodle puppies are great for first time owners because of their trainability and people pleasing personalities. With careful selective breeding, they have produced a breed that excels in all avenues. Our dogs range between mini, medium and standard.

For Sale

10 Things to Know About Labradoodles

1. Australian Labradoodles are LOVEABLE
2. They were first bred as a non-shedding guide dog
3. They are the best of everything mixed together
4. The Australian Labradoodle is the perfect family pet
5. They have a reliable temperament
6. They come in Mini, Medium and Standard sizes.
7. They were bred from curly-coated retrievers
8. They are not from Australian Shepherds
9. They are smart and energetic
10. Australian Labradoodles are non-shedding and great for a family with allergies.

Australian Labradoodles Caledonia IL